We're Starting The New Year With FREE TUTORING!

We’re starting the new year out with FREE TUTORING for one month!!! We have space for FIVE STUDENTS! The only thing that is required is the $25 enrollment fee. Additionally, we have five openings in our Stepping Out 2.0 Program. 

Thanks to a generous donation from the JC Foundation, we are blessed to be a blessing to 10 families this holiday season. 

Our Extreme Makeover from the Orlando Magic

If your child is struggling with school, reach out to us. If you have a young adult who is struggling to find their footing in life, reach out to us. 

Finally, we have an excellent Reading tutor but we are seeking to partner with English, math and science tutors. Additionally, elementary tutors who can handle all subjects are requested as well. You set your own prices, Hi-Tech will pay the tutoring fee. 

Please reach out to us via email at httctutors@hotmail.com Also, feel free to leave a message on our message line (813) 602 1285.


Thank you and we look forward to helping as many young people as possible as funding becomes available. 


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