The value of knowing yourself

I missed a very important trip this past weekend.  A few of our friends went to D.C. to visit Saxwell's mom, now affectionately known to our group as "Momma Sax."  I really wanted to go too but I just couldn't bring myself to make the trip.  You see with all of this recent self-discovery, I realized that I just didn't feel emotionally strong enough to handle making the trip.  I have a very odd situation going on with me.  I have to mentally prepare myself for travel in order to get through it.  I love the idea of traveling but yet I find it quite stressful and exhausting.  You know, getting to the airport, checking your bags, going through security all to end up sitting at the gate waiting...  Then, finding a seat on the plane, stowing away your carry-on luggage and so forth...  I thought better of making the trip because for some reason, my nerves have been frazzled lately.  I have no idea why.

The idea of going through all that and then getting there and being in the very place that our friend spent so much of his time and made so many memories was just more than I felt I could handle.  I'm getting stronger everyday but now I have other demands on my time and emotions.  There just wasn't enough of my inner strength to go around.  I am incredibly grateful for the recent success I have been enjoying but make no mistake, there are days when it takes every fiber in my being to get out of bed.

At one of my recent book signings, I was asked to speak to the youth group at my church. What in the world am I going to say to these young people?  I know for certain that I can tell them to trust in God because some days I feel that He's the only way I'm making it through.  I know I will tell them to listen to that inner voice.  More often than not it will not tell you wrong.  I get in far more trouble when I don't listen to it than when I do...  So I listened "to her" when she told me to stay here and save the trip for another time.  I think that was a good decision because I believe there is great value in knowing yourself.


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