Money vs Principles
“ Money is important but it should never be so important that you sacrifice your beliefs and principles .” Holly Cooper So today is the 50 th Anniversary of the March on Washington. It started me thinking about a few things… I am a freelance writer. I “sell” my blogs to websites that agree to pay me…minimally. I write for one particular website which I will refrain from mentioning because in this litigious society, I can’t afford to get sued. My point is this. I have been noticing some rather racially charged posts recently on this particular site. I am a writer. I am all about free speech but when it appears to me that they are publishing this garbage like it is news rather than opinion, that’s where I draw the line. I’m doing some big things and I’m pretty sure I don’t want my name associated with this garbage. Now I’m far from stupid and I can see that these “controversial” posts generate quite a f...