What is a life well lived?

One of our most beloved family members passed away a few weeks ago…  I would say that she lived a long and wonderful life – a life well lived.  I was gratified to see the attendance at her wake and funeral.  I’m not sure she was aware, towards the end of her life, how many lives she had touched in her lifetime.  I know she had a profound effect on my life.  Although I will miss her earthly presence, I feel she is in a better place where she is free from pain and discomfort.

What then is the take away from all this?  Live your life to the fullest.  Spend time with your loved ones.  Whenever possible, do good deeds for no reason at all expecting nothing in return.  Work hard and play even harder.  Find something to stand for or you will fall for anything.  Leave a lasting legacy.  And remember, the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting to get a different result.  Are you ready to make some changes in your life?


I agree totally with this philosophy of living life. I strive to achieve these goals, and hope that when I pass on people can truly say that I inspired them to do better.

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