Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

There’s no cheerful way to put it things are in a real mess! Of course now that President Obama is “the man,” everybody is looking at him to get us out of this mess. Right after he took office, he said, “I didn’t create this mess, it was waiting for, on my desk, wrapped in a nice bow.” Excellent point Mr. President. Come on now, The man has only been in office a little over a year. He didn’t get us in this mess but he sure is the one everybody is looking at to get us out. Now I know when things are bad, we all look around for someone to blame, but even on his worst day, I never felt hatred towards George W. Bush. It doesn’t seem to me that President Obama gets the same consideration. The “tea party people” claim to represent the frustration of the American public but their rallies don’t look much like America to me.

In my opinion, they have found a way to express their outrage over a black man being elected President of the United States without looking overtly racist. Now they have every right to their opinion but let’s keep it real, shall we? I heard the “talking heads” say right after the election, “Well all that anger has to go somewhere or they are going to explode.” All this anger seems to have found a home in the “Tea Party Movement.” How can anyone who claims to be a Christian, think it’s ok to harbor that kind of hatred towards another human being? These people say they are just unhappy with the direction the country is going in yet they have personally attacked President Obama’s very character. I’m no fan of George W. Bush but I certainly don’t hate him personally. I’m very unhappy with many of the policies his administration put in place but I would never dream of referring to him as a “Nazi.” Do I think that a lot of the problems the country is experiencing are George W. Bush’s fault? ABSOLUTELY!!! Do I harbor a deep hatred in my heart for the man? OF COURSE NOT!!! My fear is that because President Obama is a man of principles, he may be only a one term President. OH HOW I PRAY THAT I’M WRONG!!!


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