The Real Good Old Days!

I’m sitting here at my computer trying to figure out what to write about. I haven’t written for a while but I still have plenty to say. For instance, I started a discussion in NCOF, (National Circle of Friends) about “The Real Good Old Days.” It was about when we were children how we could go outside and play and just be a kid and our parents weren’t worried about us. How we played with all the kids in the neighborhood and were in and out of each other’s houses and nobody was worried about us getting molested or kidnapped… Sometimes I feel a little sad for my boys (I say boys because even though Xavier isn’t here, he’s still my boy and always will be). They really may never have those opportunities that my cousins and I had. We had the run of the neighborhood and we would go around collecting bottles so we could cash them in and go buy “now or laters,” and other junk from the corner store or the “flip lady.” We bought those tall Nehi sodas in the glass bottles that they don’t even sell anymore. We would play outside all day and not complain about the heat. It was nice because my aunts had pools but we weren’t always in the pool, sometimes we were just riding our bikes or just playing outside. Actually, if we went inside too many times, our parents would threaten us, “If you come back inside again, you’re going stay in here…”


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