My Son the Model…?

Last Saturday I went to the movies with some friends. I was early so I started looking around. I saw this display from this company called Model Productions. It was talking about something they call the American Mall Model Search. I was intrigued. I was also a little surprised because my mom and I had just been teasing my son that very morning about how he needed to find himself a job so he could accommodate some of his very expensive tastes. So I filled out the little form so that I could get a call back from the company. I really didn’t think too much more about it and was already thinking I would just let it go. Then, I got a call from the company on Wednesday telling me that they were having auditions that night. Now, it’s time to either “put up or shut up.” So I went and picked up my son from school and took him to the audition just like he was. No bath, no wardrobe change. Just a “grubby” little kid who had been at school all day! I filled out the paperwork and we sat and waited. We waited what seemed like forever and we practiced walking down the catwalk and we learned the line that he had to say. I wasn’t sure how he had done but sure enough, when the judging was over he had made it to the finals! What a thrill! You see we are very new to the “whole competition thing.” I’ve always known he was precocious and adorable but it was “neat” to see that other people thought so too. We got our instructions and scheduled his photo shoot for the next day. I found him a really cute outfit (in our own closet) and he did his photo shoot and I thought it came out wonderfully! This past Saturday we had the big competition. He had to do his screen test and he had to do the catwalk again. Once again, I don’t know how he did. We have to wait two weeks to hear back from the company. He was competing for a one year modeling contract. He has to come out in the top ten percent this time. Even if he doesn’t win we can still sign up to go on virtual auditions. You see, you don’t even have to be in the same room anymore. You can film an audition and send to who ever might be interested in hiring you! I really hope he wins one of the contracts. I think it would be much easier if I had more guidance to help us along. What ever happens, I think that it’s so cool that other people appreciate my child’s intelligence, poise and good looks! You’ll have to excuse me; I’m a very proud mom who sees nothing but the brightest future for her baby boy!


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