When Will Things Get Better?

Is the Stimulus Package going to help? I’ve heard so many “talking heads” that are supposed to be experts say that things are probably not going to improve before the end of this year! That’s just wonderful… I’ve thought about getting a little job on the side to help make ends meet until things get better. I have limitations on the type of work I can do now since I had my “heart incident.” I have training as a Medical Assistant, as well as a Certified Nursing Assistant. The last time I went to the doctor, some years ago, he told me that he wouldn’t advise me to go on disability, but I probably would not be able to do that type of work any more. At the tutoring center, I spend all my time working on the computer. I don’t really do any stressful work or anything that involves heavy lifting or standing on my feet. I have several home-based businesses but things are just so bad right now no one is spending any money. I just don’t have the energy to get on all these conference calls and go to all these sales meetings every day and every week. However, I must make the effort to try to get advice and training to try and “jump start” my little businesses. The dilemma I face is I’m all my son has right now. I am trying so hard to offer as much stability in his life as I can right now. When I’m gone, he must stay with his grandma. Sometimes these meetings run kind of late in the evening and then I have to “drag” the poor child out into the cold or rain or even if it’s late we have to get home. We could stay at grandma’s house but that means packing up our clothes and everything that goes along with being away from home.

I said all that to say… When are things going to get better? I have a deep faith in God that is basically keeping me going right now. I am in so much debt it’s ridiculous. I need an influx of cash to help me get my head above water. The problem with that, besides the fact that the banks aren’t lending any money right now, is that my credit is now so “jacked up,” I probably couldn’t get a loan from a loan shark! I love all these “holier than thou” people who get on the news talking about how they don’t think it’s fair to bail out all those “lazy, irresponsible” people who can’t pay their bills… Well I am not lazy or irresponsible! I have had some bad breaks in the last couple of years and then the economy tanked! I know I’m not the only one out there in this situation. I did not buy a house I couldn’t afford. I go to work every day. To tell you the truth, sometimes I really do wonder how I ended up where I am now? All I can do is continue to “plug along.” Some days are easier to deal with than others. I don’t know when things are going to get better but I sure hope it’s real soon!


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