“Fist Bumps, Hi-Fives, Hugs and The Cupid Shuffle!”

I went to an election watching party last night. I was in danger of not making it there due to transportation challenges. I actually missed a meeting that I was supposed to attend. I really don’t have the money to get my car fixed right now but that is not the subject of this blog. I sat there and watched the election returns come in. I was excited but also very nervous. Would those that don’t believe that the voters should decide elections intervene? Would there be election trickery this night as there was four years ago? Alas, there was not! I am certain that I will never forget the deep pride and lump in my throat I felt when I saw on the television and heard them announce that they were “calling the race” for Barack Obama! I will always remember the deafening cheer that arose from the crowd! It was amazing to see the images of the people dancing in the streets all over the world and all over America! THERE WERE ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE HUGGING AND CHEERING AND DANCING WITH JOY!! An African-American man elected President of the United States! I never thought I would see it in my lifetime! I am so happy and grateful that my 81 year-old mother had the opportunity to vote for an African-American man for President! This morning, my son’s teacher said that yesterday, he told the class during their mock election that “he was going to be President and tell everyone what to do.” I can now look him squarely in the eye and tell him that he can become President if that’s what he really wants to become! I can honestly tell him and affirm his desires to be whatever in the world he wants to be EVEN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Perhaps it is somewhat difficult to describe what this election means to African-Americans. Although, rightfully so, Senator Obama did not make the campaign about race, there is no denying the deep pride that so many African-Americans feel today with this one man’s accomplishments. We are also so indescribably proud of our great country for judging this man on his qualifications and merits.

From now on, there are now no excuses for not achieving one’s goals! All possibilities and goals are attainable! Last night, America celebrated! There were fist bumps, hi-fives, hugs and of course we did the Cupid Shuffle and even the Electric Slide! Now the work begins. We must all (every American) roll up our sleeves and help and support our President. God Bless America and God Bless President-elect Obama and his beautiful family!


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