What Does The Future Hold For America?

I went to an Obama/Biden ’08 rally today! I stood out in the heat to show my support for the next President of the United States. I stood in the heat to hear the last really great President we’ve had recently. President Bill Clinton was in town to give a speech in support of Senator Barack Obama. Lately, I have been a little “miffed” with President Clinton but you can’t get too upset with a man supporting his wife. I wish he had not said some of the things he did but today he more than vindicated himself with the speech he gave at the University of Central Florida.

No one can deny, not even the Republicans, that Bill Clinton did an excellent job when he was in the White House and left a surplus and not a deficit. He left this country in excellent shape! He has some flaws but all humans have flaws! “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” They, the Republicans, tried to crucify Bill Clinton because of his indiscretions (Monica Lewinski). I cannot deny that President Clinton lied. However, the lies that HE told did not cause any of our brave, young soldiers to DIE! (George W. Bush)

I often write about how much I love this country. This is the greatest country on Earth but we are going in the wrong direction. I have also said that I would have no problem voting for John McCain if I thought he was the person to lead this country where it needs to go. I just don’t think Senator McCain and Govenor Palin are the ones for the job! You see, everyone is talking about all my white brothers and sisters who might not be able to bring themselves to vote for Senator Obama once they get in the privacy of the voting booth. Why is that? All these many years that I’ve been voting, I’ve never had to make a choice based on race. I’ve always chosen the best candidate for the job based on their qualifications! If Senator Obama was not qualified, I would not vote for him. It would not matter to me that he is African-American. He gets my vote because I believe he’s the best qualified person to lead us into the future and out of this mess; he does not “get a pass” simply because he is a black man! I consider it a source of pride and a gift from God that I can vote for him because he’s a qualified man who happens to be black!

I don’t know what else the poor man can say! THIS IS A DIRE SITUATION AND WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING TO GET US OUT OF THIS MESS!!! For the love of God America, put your prejudices aside and give this man a chance to fix this mess! DO YOU REALLY WANT SARAH PALIN A HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENCY?


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