This Is Not A Popularity or A Beauty Contest

This is not a popularity or a beauty contest! Our children’s future depends on whom we elect on November 4th. Lies and “swift-boating” are no way to convince the public that you deserve the job. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Senator Obama gives the American people credit for being smarter than that; sometimes I wonder.

Next subject. Feminism is not about abandoning your family. However, since I made that note to myself, we have found out that Governor Palin charged the State of Alaska for 300 nights when she wasn’t travelling. She was actually at home in Wasilla not travelling from Juno. So maybe I should refrain from accusing her of abandoning her family and instead accuse her of defrauding the citizens of Alaska.

Nevertheless, let’s talk about what the “new self-created change agents” are going to do about ensuring equal pay for everyone. Let’s discuss how they are going to stimulate the economy, put people back to work, provide health care for the uninsured. No, we’d rather discuss nonexistent sexist comments! I have heard the sound bite that they are trying to say was a sexist comment. GIVE ME A HUGE BREAK! Republicans are very good at diverting everyone’s attention from THE REAL ISSUES! America, for the love of God, please don’t fall for the “okey-doke.” WE ARE IN TROUBLE AND JOHN MCCAIN AND SARAH PALIN ARE NOT GOING TO FIX THE SITUATION!

I’m not impressed, Governor Palin, because you go to work every day and have a family. Millions of African-American women have been doing it for years! And by the way, when 17 year old “Sheniqua” gets pregnant, she doesn’t get to go on television, she usually gets “sent away in shame!” She can come back when the baby is born but the situation is not glorified.

Those community leaders that you mock are the backbone of America’s political process. The rich lobbyists that are running the McCain/Paliln campaign are not the one’s who are going to elect the next President of the United States. The grass-roots, go to work everyday, struggle to pay bills are the one’s who are going to determine this election. The Obama campaign needs to stay on message and stop getting rattled and distracted by this latest Republican nonsense.


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