I'm baaack!!

I’m back! I was taking a slight break to get some things straightened out and get the office moved and give some of my other businesses some needed attention. It wasn’t as though I was someplace relaxing and sipping on drinks with little umbrellas. I have been going through some minor domestic drama. However, I won’t go into that right now.

We have moved the office to a new location. We are in a much nicer, much better maintained building. We went through “the tortures of the damned” to get everything moved out of our old office. Now we are in the process of getting everything organized in our new office. We have less space but it is a nice feeling to come to a building that is so well maintained.

The new environment is a welcome change; I feel as though I need order in my somewhat complicated life right now. Sometimes I lay awake at night, when its quiet and wonder how I got to the place where I am now. I have many blessings to be thankful for, it just seems to be so difficult some days.

Then, in the midst of my complaining, something terrible happens. Two great individuals go on to glory. I'm speaking of Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes. I still have most of my immediate family with me here on Earth. We may not all be on the best terms but they are still here. Here's to hoping all our issues are resolved before it's too late.


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