How Did Michelle Obama Do On A National Stage?

Will she be able to convince America that they should give her husband a chance? Will Joe Lunch box and Susie Housecoat (working-class, blue collar voters) be able to see past the color of their skin? Barack and Michelle Obama are brilliant people that have a great deal to offer America. Why is this country that I love so much so unwilling to give this black man a chance? White Americans will blame it on so many other “things.” After all, no one wants to be seen as a hood wearing, rebel flag carrying bigot!

To be continued after the speech…

WOW! She did a great job reaching out to Americans to highlight our similarities and not our differences. There are no parents of any race who would not do whatever was necessary to ensure their children’s future. I think Michelle did an excellent job of telling her side of the story. I don’t see any reason to question her patriotism or her love of this country.

After hearing her speech and seeing that family together, how can you look into your children’s eyes and explain to them why when you had the opportunity to change the future, you chose to maintain the status quo? I don’t think anyone can use the excuse that they are so different from “us” and they don’t represent “our” values. We have to do something to get this country back on track.


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