There is hope for the future!

When I heard the little boy on Michael Baisden the other day, I knew there was hope for the future! The little boy’s name is Christian Adams, he’s 11 years old and he’s from Alexandria, Louisiana. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the same town where they found a noose hanging from the back of someone’s truck right after the Jena Demonstration. The reason I know that there is hope for the future is, the little boy is white and he is a great admirer of Senator Barack Obama. He is concerned about the issues (education, health care), not the color of the man’s skin. If this little, 11 year old boy “gets it” why can’t the rest of the adults? How bad does it have to get before we stop allowing ourselves to be distracted from the REAL issues? I suspect by November, things are going to get so bad that even the most hardcore racist will be ready to vote for a “purple man” if he can fix the mess we’re in!

I want to give a great deal of credit to this young man’s parents. It is evident that they are teaching him to look at the entire person, not just the outside. Children have to be carefully taught hatred; it doesn’t come naturally. I was watching my son play the other day at a birthday party we attended. The group was extremely diverse, just as his class and his school are diverse. The children just play together; they could care less what each other look like on the outside or what neighborhood they come from. When and where do we learn to be so aware of each other’s differences and not our similarities? I would have no problem voting for John McCain if I thought he had the answers to the mess we’re in! I admire Senator McCain for his service to our country but I don’t happen to think he’s the right man for the job. Keep in mind that’s just my opinion.

Everyday of my life I pray to God to take out of my spirit anything that is unchristian-like. God created EVERYONE in HIS image! That means that no one human being is any better than any other human being. I’ve said it before but I think it bears repeating, we are all in the same boat, either we work together to “right the ship” or we all “sink together!”


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