Random thoughts…otherwise known as stream of consciousness…

I was discussing this upcoming election with my mom. We heard from a friend of hers that Barack’s name is in the Bible. That in fact it is a Christian name and not a Muslim name, as everyone would have you believe. It’s in Judges 4:4. There is a story about how this man named Barak works with Deborah to bring some “folks” out of bondage. The point is Barak asked Deborah to go along with him. She said she would go but she would get the credit for bringing the “folks” out of bondage. Call me crazy but that scenario sounds eerily familiar! My reasons for thinking Sen. Obama needs Sen. Clinton are not really biblical but reading that passage this morning made me really think. He and particularly Michelle might not like the idea but I’m really beginning to question whether he can win without her help?

I was also wondering what’s going on over in Great Britain? There has been a rash of young people killed recently. The “weird” part of it from an American perspective is that they have been stabbing each other. Of course they don’t have the problem in the U.K. that we have here in America with guns but apparently they have a different weapon of choice. Where is all this anger coming from? They have so much built up anger that they just want to stab each other?

Finally, with Sen. Clinton saying the things she’s been saying, it’s hard to know who the enemy is? John Hagee says he’s been a supporter of the Jewish people for years. Hard to see it that way when he says things like “Hitler was doing God’s work…” Why was Sen. McCain so anxious to get this man’s endorsement? Why does it matter that they aren’t friends? Why is it so different from Jeremiah Wright? Then Hillary, I call her Hillary when she makes STUPID comments that make reference to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Everybody says she didn’t mean to compare Sen Obama to Bobby Kennedy and that she wasn’t for a minute suggesting that she harbored any ill will towards Sen. Obama. I don’t card how tired you say you are, WHY THE HELL WOULD SOMETHING THAT INSENSITIVE COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH?!

Just some random thoughts for us to ponder together…


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