Just Things on My Mind…

I’ve been trying to figure out what I should write about. That’s why I haven’t posted a blog. I don’t know if you can actually call it writer’s block. Maybe you can. I’ve been thinking about what’s going on with the election and whether Senator Clinton is going to deal well with not getting the nomination. Some African-Americans have voiced concerns to me that “they” are going to find a way to “take it away from Barack.” I continue to reassure them that he is picking up super delegates every day. So this mysterious “they” (white people, the media, the super delegates) really couldn’t take it away from him even if they wanted to; at least not without raising quite a few questions about “the rules” and why they keep getting changed!

I’ve also been thinking about this “nasty little bug” that Senator Clinton keeps trying to put in everyone’s ear; ”…you know the hard working, white people aren’t going to vote for Senator Obama.” Does that mean that only the white people are hard working? My question to Senator Clinton is what election results are you looking at? Senator Obama has won in states where the populations are predominantly white. States like Nebraska, Iowa, Alaska… I don’t even remember all of them! “I think he’s getting some votes from “hard working, white people!” Hmmmm?

My final thoughts are about why someone is trying so hard to close down the tutoring center?! We have been operating for nearly 17 years and now we have to install a fire alarm, “yesterday!” We have to put massive amounts of money into a building that does not belong to us! We suspect “foul play” but conspiracy theories are very difficult to prove. We are not opposed to the idea of meeting fire codes; we just need time to raise the money. We are non-profit! We don’t keep $9,000 - $11,000 “laying around!” We have been able to get the assistance of some very powerful people and it looks as though we can come up to code with minimal expense but now there is still the “time issue!” We are certain parties involved have been “paid off” but of course we can’t prove it. We also aren’t entirely sure who’s working behind the scenes, and supplying the cash!

My REAL final thoughts are about how I feel about having a husband that is severely mentally ill and vehemently opposed to doing anything about it! I’ve told his mother that I’m going to have him hospitalized and see if that “moves him” towards getting some help! She told me to “send him home” to her in “bug tussle,” I mean Melbourne. My apologies to anyone reading this who is from Melbourne. However, I’ve been there several times and I am not impressed. I’m as unimpressed with Melbourne as I am with Sanford and I “own” a house there! I really need him to want the help and not have it “forced on him.” My mother says I should try to encourage him to get help but he won’t listen to anyone! Meanwhile, I continue to try to raise the children with minimal support – financial or emotional! When I get my car fixed, I’m going to disappear for a day or so and let him stay where he is and continue to “talk to himself” and “swat imaginary bugs!” I will of course make sure my son is taken care of and perhaps he can see that he needs to get help. If nothing else, it will be some “me time!”


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