What Was He Thinking?

I was watching “Countdown with Keith Oberman” last night and imagine my surprise when I hear that Pastor John Hagee said that Katrina was “…a punishment from God for inappropriate behavior.” I’m paraphrasing of course. In essence he said that because the City of New Orleans had scheduled a “Gay Pride Celebration,” that’s why Katrina hit! Where is the uproar? Where is the moral outrage? Everybody wants to harp on the statements that Reverend Wright made but I don’t hear the uproar about what Hagee said! Could it be because many of the victims were African-American? I don’t like to “play the race card…but come on…? I don’t want to focus on nonsense in this campaign as we have been doing, but this “man of God?” does not get a pass for making such a horrible statements.

A little while ago, I wrote a blog about whether America is ready for a black president. But when I see this very racist ad that the republican party of North Carolina is running but nobody is talking about what John Hagee said! What gives…? I’m not even from New Orleans and I find his comments very offensive. Any human being with any decency, black, white, brown, or yellow should find this “man of God’s?” statements offensive! The only thought that gives me any peace or allows me to sleep at night, is the knowledge that whoever God wants to become president will be elected in November.


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