What is this world coming to…?

With the economy in the shape it’s in right now, it makes you wonder what this world is coming to…? Why are people so selfish? Why are people so willing to vote for a tax cut for themselves at the expense of the education of our youth and the healthcare of the less fortunate? Why are we so indifferent to the fact that there are people in Haiti eating dirt? What is this world coming to…? Has the situation become so desperate that we have switched to a self-preservation mode? Why does it seem that when things get “bad,” we stop caring for our fellow man? I know I’m raising a lot of questions but I really would like some answers! Maybe the answer is, when we believe we are in a desperate situation, we feel that we must “protect our own!” Maybe if we bring God back into our lives, we would realize that caring for our own families is not mutually exclusive to caring what happens to other people’s families. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Well, the simple answer is “yes, yes you are.” I’m paraphrasing of course, but I believe Dr. Martin Luther King once said, we are all in the same boat and if we go down, we are all going down together!

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