How Are We Doing With Dr. King's Dream?

Recently we commemorated the anniversary of Dr. King's death. It was "celebrated" with a re commitment march. I heard Reverend Al Sharpton on the Tom Joiner Show this morning talking about what kind of legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren. Right now, I am concerned that we are moving in the wrong direction. While it is true that we have an African-American and a woman running for president, we still have thousands of people losing their jobs and their homes. We still have far too many American children going to bed at night hungry! Before his untimely death, Dr. King was in the process of organizing a march on Washington for the poor of all races! Many people of all races are finding themselves in desperate situations because so many of our jobs are being sent oversees. They are going the the very same food banks for help to which they used to contribute!

Meanwhile, the politicians seem far too concerned with an ill-conceived war than dealing with the joblessness and the homelessness created by the mortgage-crisis/housing slump. I wonder what Dr. King would think about the situation we find ourselves in right now? I know he would be as opposed to this war as he was to the Vietnam War. Our servicemen and women are coming home to find that they are in danger of losing their homes! We won't even discuss those coming home to inadequate medical care! This cannot be right! They are risking their lives for our great country and then coming home to homelessness.

How are we doing with Dr. King's dream? I fear the answer to that question is- not very well. Can any of the presidential candidates get us out of this mess? Who in their right mind would want the job? I pray that we do better for the sake of my 8 year old stepson and my 4 year old son! I can be certain of one thing - in the words of the old spiritual, "you better get right with God." If you think we are experiencing global warming now, I know a place where it's a whole lot warmer...


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