Here we go again!

Here we go again with Reverend Wright. Does the media ever get tired of “covering” this man? Then, this morning, I hear Tavis Smiley on Tom Joiner talking about some very racist comments that were made by Pat Buchanan. I’ll paraphrase for you, “You black people should be more grateful to us white people for bringing you over here (on slave ships) to America and teaching you about religion and spending all the money we’ve spent on job training programs and welfare and how we should stop being so selfish…” I can’t continue, I’ll be going to lunch soon and I’m feeling nauseous! The “piece” I’m quoting from is called “Memo to Whitey” “Charming!” I’ve always known this man was a lunatic but now I have confirmation. Why does Pat get a pass while Sen. Obama has to “explain” his relationship to Rev. Wright? I’m not sure what Rev. Wright’s motivation is but I was under the impression we were still in America where we have free speech. Why don’t the democrats get an ad together with some of Pat’s quotes from “Memo to Whitey?” The republicans are trying to crucify Sen. Obama with their ads.

You know, and I’m speaking to my Caucasian brothers and sisters right now, if you need an excuse not to vote for Sen. Obama, then you deserve exactly what you get in November! The problem is the rest of us are going to have to suffer like we’ve suffered through this last eight years! I might have to seriously consider moving to Canada or the Caribbean! I think I’ll choose the warmer climate… All joking aside, I love this country far too much to leave her, but if you are going to let racial prejudice influence your decision, I’m going to seriously wonder about my fellow Americans!


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