Have you ever had one of those days…?

Have you ever had one of those days that turned into one of those weeks? I don’t know what’s going on but it feels like every one of Satan’s minions is conspiring against the tutoring center lately. I certainly hope that means we have huge blessing on the way! We have been working quietly for nearly seventeen years to help educate our youth. We have had thousands of success stories with very little fanfare. I say all this to say that I know we are providing a needed service but there are days when we wonder if it’s really worth all the aggravation?

In my opinion, there is nothing more important than educating our future leaders. Yet, teachers are the most underpaid and under appreciated profession. People seem to overlook the fact that without teachers, there would be no doctors or lawyers. Perhaps we need a Public Relations person to put the proper “spin” on what we do on a daily basis. I know that older people and children are not “sexy” or “flashy” but they are the people in our society that need the most nurturing and care.

We are having a golf tournament tomorrow. You know that old saying, “what if you gave a party and nobody came?” We had a pretty good, little slate of players, until two days ago! I have never seen so many deaths, births, illnesses and surgeries all at once in my life! I know people have their own issues and lives but just about everybody who had promised to play cancelled on us. Many of these folks promised to support us monetarily (i.e. the check is in the mail) but we need the funds yesterday. We are obligated to pay for these players whether they play or not! “Right about now, we need a miracle…”

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