Are We Really Ready?

Yesterday, I asked if we were really ready for an African-American president. Today I wonder if we can handle a female president? I heard Senator Clinton on Tom Joiner this morning talking about her plans to cure breast cancer in our lifetime. Sounds wonderful! Is she ever going to get the opportunity to implement her plan? Are we going to spend all our time trying to determine if she has an honesty issue? Should that be a determining factor when we go into the voting booth? Are we going to get "caught up" in the idea of electing the first female president? What happens when she goes to the Middle East to deal with leaders in that part of the world? I fear she may have the same amount of success that Secretary of State Rice if having...

Can we just see her as an extremely capable Senator that has spent her career trying to help people? Are men going to vote for a female candidate? Some men don't even like having a female boss...Could they handle a female Commander in Chief?

I wonder if Senator Obama were having minimal success would this even be an issue? After all, Senator Clinton seemed like a "sure thing" a year ago! Or is the fact that she is female always going to play into the discussion? Is Senator Obama always going to be the "black guy?" Is Senator McCain always going to be the "old guy?"

Can we just evaluate the candidates on their careers and leave race, sex and even age out of the discussion?


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