Are We Really Ready?

Are we really ready for a black president when we can't seem to get past the "race issue?" Why do we care what church Senator Obama attends? Why does the news media (CNN) seem so determined to "make" Senator Obama leave his church? I don't think anyone asked George Bush what church he attended when he was running for President. Could it be that Rev. Wright's comments about race made some people feel uncomfortable? I'm certain most of what Rev Wright said has been uttered at countless black churches all over America. Sometimes it's difficult to hear the truth! Why are we letting something so petty distract us from the real issues? Can Senator Obama effectively deal with the myriad of problems that we have in this country? That's the question that needs to be asked! Not what church he chooses to attend! Are we going to allow racism to keep this very talented, intelligent individual from getting elected? I love this great country and I know we are better than that!
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