Essence Festival 2013 Part 3 and Final Entry

This has been a truly wonderful weekend! Vacations are supposed to make you feel renewed and refreshed and this one did. The Essence Festival is all about empowerment and this one certainly was. At the very awesome concert last night they announced that this year was huge for them, maybe the biggest in 19 years. I enjoyed taking in all the sights and sounds and smells. I enjoyed immersing myself in the culture. This year we determined that we were going to focus on making all the concerts and we did. I am happy for this decision because they were all awesome. Whatever your opinion of Beyonce is, she is fantastic in concert. She actually shut the Superdome down last night. While we are going back to reality today, I will cherish these memories for a lifetime. Live your life as if there is no tomorrow because tomorrow is not promised. I have to mention my friend again because he is always on my mind and especially today, what would have ...