Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Eight Years Ago?
Let’s leave politics out of the discussion for just a minute. I have one simple question for you – are you better off now than you were eight years ago? For me, that’s a “loaded” question. I wasn ’t married yet and I didn ’t have any children of my own. I was also eight years younger. I was a divorce’ dating seriously a man that had a young son. Seriously dating a man who is visually impaired. That’s a story for another time. To answer the question; I’m pretty sure I’m better off now because my darling boy wasn ’t born until 2004! However, not to be selfish, this country is most certainly not better off. I was in a class where I was informed that we are not to say derogatory things about our leaders because they were placed in their position by God. I’m going to have to pray about that one some more because I think President George Bush should be held accountable for the mess this country is in right now. It might not be entirely his fault but I’m pretty sure his lack of le...