I Have Been Thinking and Brainstorming

Holly Mosley Cooper, MBA Executive Director - HTTC, Inc. So… yeah… I have been doing some thinking and brainstorming. When Covid-19 exploded earlier this year, it turned everyone’s world upside down. We closed our brick-and-mortar facility. It wasn’t practical or cost effective to keep it open. I went the virtual route by partnering with a larger tutoring company. Let’s just say, I am not a fan of virtual learning. It makes connecting with students very difficult. Compound that with the fact that said student may or may not be on the Autism Spectrum. Our commitment for the future is to make sure that every child in underserved communities gets a diagnosis if they need one and then gets the therapies and proper intervention that they need. We must find a work around. We must play with the hand that life has dealt us. It appears that younger children seem to be less virulent carriers of the virus. We cannot be sure but perhaps in the upcoming year, with the vaccines a...