The high cost of doing nothing… “Stepping Out” Phase II

There is a lack of services for young adults on the Autism Spectrum once they “age out” of the system. Sadly, many of these young people become involved in the Juvenile Justice System because of a lack of guidance. It costs Hi-Tech Tutoring Center, Inc (HTTC). $3,180 per year to educate and mentor a student in our program. Per the Vera Institute of Justice, in 2010, in 40 states, it costs an average of $31,286 annually to house a single inmate. In an effort to offer programs and services that are beneficial to the community, HTTC will offer “Stepping Out” Phase II. HTTC will assist young adults on the Autism Spectrum ages 15 - 25 with transitioning from high school into the work place. In other News… Sadly, our Founder and Executive Director Emeritus, Mrs. Ernestine Mosley has transitioned. She will be sorely missed by our family and the Central Florida community. May she rest eternally in peace. Godspeed sweet soul. Mrs. Ernestine Mosley Mrs. Holly ...