One of those days...

I'm having one of those days...  What do I mean by that?  I have things I need to do.  Important things that I need to do but for the life of me I just can't seem to get it together today.  I have learned not to "beat myself up" when I have these days.  I simply need a "grown up time out."  Perhaps I need some of my beloved Green Tea with Ginseng and honey?  Perhaps I need to lower the lights and listen to some soft music for a while?  I will get it together but I now understand that for now, I need to take care of myself.

There is nothing so pressing or urgent that it can't wait for a while.  I have a hair appointment later so that will be nice.  Perhaps I should consider squeezing in a pedicure on the way.  In a way, I am grateful for these days because it gives me some perspective when dealing with my son.  I know he's not being lazy.  He's just having one of those days...  Those of us with Asperger's Syndrome/High Functioning Autism have these days sometimes.  The important thing is how you deal with these days.


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