So are you ready to get your act together yet…?

Nothing like the untimely death of someone you’ve grown up admiring to cause plenty of quiet introspection. I am still in shock about the tragic and untimely death of Ms. Whitney Houston. It almost seems surreal… But it does beg the question, “Are you ready to get your act together yet?”

This past weekend was my son’s 8th birthday. True to our very unconventional nature, we decided to have a pool party in February. Now since we live in Florida, that’s not all that shocking in and of itself but wouldn’t you know it, we had a “cold snap” this weekend. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bad Saturday, about 70 degrees. But, the parents were cooperative, the children had a blast and our family was enjoying some much needed R&R. In fact, I was in the Arcade at the resort where we were staying when I got a text message from my friend, “Whitney Houston has passed? Turn on tv” To which I replied, “We’re in the arcade. Is she dead?” The heart-wrenching reply still causes a knot in the pit of my stomach, “Yes at age 48”

Wow! I’m thinking to myself , “She was only two years older than me…” Now the demons she has battled for years are well-publicized but it seemed as though she was on the verge of a huge comeback. Did she wait too long or did she simply run out of time? When is the right time to get your act together? When your children are all grown up… When you and your significant other are on the right path… No! The simple answer is RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!

I love this quote that I saw in Linda Barnby’s publication, Rich Life Happy Life. “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Don’t wait too long to set attainable goals! Don’t wait too long to begin prioritizing your activities! Don’t wait too long to focus on the things that are most important in your life! Decide what you want to accomplish and be about the business of having single-minded focus until you reach all your goals.


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