What are you willing to do for your children’s sake?

I have to do better about writing more regularly. I have so much wisdom to share! For instance, what are you willing to do for your children’s sake? I would say almost anything but I wonder if everyone feels that way. I’m not going to go into great detail but I learned a valuable lesson this weekend while trying to teach my children one as well. I say children because I got a chance to see my stepson this weekend. I spent an entire day with some people with which I don’t have the best relationship… I’m only going to say I’ve been trying to teach one of my children not to verbalize everything that “pops into his head.” At the same time, my stepson, who has to know or maybe he doesn’t, that these aren’t my favorite people in the world, yet we were able to spend a relatively pleasant afternoon together without incident or strife… Children need to see adults getting along and working through their differences for the greater good. How much misery and pain is caused in the world by people who can’t get along? I hope to be able to continue to lead by example and show my kids what lengths I’m willing to go to make them happy and help with their healthy development. I’m not trying to “pat myself on the back” but I could’ve spent the last day of my “staycation” doing almost any other thing besides what I did. I wanted my son to see his big brother, I wanted to see my stepson and I wanted to reestablish a broken relationship for the future. My son deserves to know the other side of his family. Now, if there was only something we could do to help mend his father’s confused mind and reestablish that relationship….


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