What a Great Day for the U.S.A.!

I don’t think Americans fully grasp what a momentous occasion today is! I know a lot of people just want to make it about black people but it’s bigger than that! I don’t want to get caught in a Michelle Obama moment but I have never been more proud of this country! I have always been very proud and very grateful to be an American but I can hardly contain the JOY AND PRIDE that I feel today! What if we have the opportunity to elect the first African-American president and the first female vice president! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?! I will be the first one to admit that there are some cultural differences between the races but it does not have to drive a wedge between us. Why does different have to be bad? ALL PARENTS OF ALL RACES want the best for children! I sincerely believe that Sen. Obama wants the best America for all children, not just his two little girls. I just don’t think Sen. McCain has the vision to get us where we need to be. I honor his service to this country. I just don’t think he’s the man for the job. I have said before that if I thought that he was I would gladly vote for him but I don’t think he wants to take this country in the right direction for my children’s future.


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